قسم الأدب
كلمة رئيس القسم

قسم الأدب هو أول مبادرة من نوعها في ليبيا. في قسم التدريس ، يسعى التدريس في هذا القسم  إلى تزويد الطلاب بتعليم من أعلى مستويات الجودة في اللغة الإنجليزية، وفي الأدب المكتوب باللغة الإنجليزية وفي الكتابة الناقدة ، والجمع بين الاتساع مع العمق ، والتقاليد مع التعايش.

تتضمن درجة البكالوريوس في الأدب مواد تغطي جميع فترات وأنواع الأدب المكتوبة باللغة الإنجليزية ، بالإضافة إلى عروض في النقد واللغويات. سيقوم الطلاب بتطوير مهاراتهم في تحليل النصوص الفردية ؛ وبتطوير فهم للتقاليد الأدبية الأمريكية والبريطانية وتقاليد الأدب الإنجليزي الأخرى حيثما أمكن ذلك؛ وبربط النصوص بالسياقات الاجتماعية والثقافية والتاريخية التي أنتجت فيها؛ وبتوسيع وتعميق وصقل التفكير النقدي ومهارات البحث والكتابة ؛ وتطوير الوعي الفروق الدقيقة في اللغة .

رئيس قسم الادب كلية اللغات جامعة بنغازي


يشجع قسم الأدب التعليم الحر للطلاب من خلال تطوير فهم عميق للغة والأدب، وقيمة القراءة الناقدة والكتابة الفعالة، وثراء الأدب، في الماضي والحاضر. ون نسعى إلى تعزيز المعرفة وحب الأدب واللغة في طلابنا. تحقيقًا لهذه الغاية، سنوفر للطلاب إطارًا منهجيًا متماسكًا ودورات دراسية ذات صلة جيدة التنظيم. نقوم بتدريس مجموعة متنوعة من المهارات الأدبية والتحليلية والتربوية والنظرية .  نعلم الطلاب التحدث والقراءة والكتابة بفعالية. سنشجع الطلاب على التفكير بعمق والتفكير فيما تعلموه. سوف نشجع على حب التعلم ودراسة العلوم الإنسانية. سنشجع الطلاب على تقييم الطرق التي تحول بها دراسة اللغة والأدب فهمنا للمجتمعات المحلية والوطنية والدولية.


الايمان بأن الأدب هو  نشاط ضروري  في الاتصالات وتفسير الخبرات، وهو عامل حاسم في التفاعل والتنشئةالإنسانية و التناغم لمجتمعنا ، ونحن ندرب الطلاب للتعلم مدى الحياة، ونعزز الدراسة الأدبية، والدراسات المقارنة، والعلوم الإنسانية بشكل عام كإطار للمعرفة والعمل.


 يعتبر الهدف من شهادة البكالوريوس في الأدب هي الحصول على شهادة  متكاملة في تعليم العلوم الإنسانية . سيحقق خريجو هذا القسم مستوىً عاليًا من مهارات القراءة والكتابة والتفكير النقدي ومهارات الاتصال. تغطي مواد الأدب لدينا الفترات والحركات والمؤلفين الرئيسيين في تاريخ الأدب الوطني والتاريخ الأدبي ، وهي تضع دراسة الكتابة والأدب ضمن المنظورات التاريخية الثقافية والأدبية. نحن نسعى جاهدين للتواصل مع الطلاب في تقاليد الكتابة والأدب ، بما في ذلك دراسة التطورات والنماذج البلاغية ، والتغيرات في اللغة الإنجليزية ، وتأثير الحركات الفكرية والفنية ، وتأثير الإيديولوجيات والرؤى العالمية ، وتغيير مناهج النظرية النقدية . لذلك ، فإن الأهداف الرئيسية هي:

  • تزويد الطلاب بالمعرفة والفهم للطابع المميز لمجموعة واسعة من النصوص في الأنواع الأدبية الرئيسية من الشعر والخيال والدراما والنثر غير الخيالي مع مجموعة واسعة من المفردات والممارسات المستخدمة للنظر فيها.
  • نقل المعرفة بالتاريخ الأدبي ، والأشكال الأدبية وكذلك النظريات الأدبية.
  • منح الطلاب فهمًا  أفضل للغة الإنجليزية.
  • تزويد الطلاب بالكتابة المعقدة ومهارات التفكير النقدي المفيدة ليس فقط في المجالات الأكاديمية ولكن أيضًا في العالم بأسره.
  • تقديم فرص كافية لاستكشاف الثقافة والهوية والقيم والأخلاق.
  • القيام بتعريف الطلاب بدراسة الأدب من خلال توفير التدريب في قراءة دقيقة وناقدة وبتطوير شعور بالسياقات المختلفة – السيرة الذاتية والاجتماعي والسياسي – التي يمكن أن تثري فهمهم للعمل .
  • تعزيز التذوق والاستمتاع بالعناصر الأدبية والجمالية لدى الطلاب  .
  • تعزيز إدراك الطلاب لثراء وتنوع القيم الاجتماعية والأخلاقية في الأدب وتفاعلنا معها ، مع إدراك أن الأدب بطبيعته غني بالقيم ؛ وأن كل مؤلف وقارئ يجلب لعمله إطارًا أخلاقيًا ورؤية لحالة الإنسان .
البرنامج العلمي

المقررات الدراسية/ قسم الأدب

الفصل الأول

رقم المقرر

اسم المقرر

عدد الساعات


Arabic Language A


Listening and Speaking A


Reading & Writing  A


Vocabulary & Dictionary Skills


English Grammar A



مجموع الساعات



الفصل الثاني

رقم المقرر

اسم المقرر

عدد الساعات


Listening and Speaking B


Reading & Writing  B




English Grammar B



مجموع الساعات



الفصل الثالث

رقم المقرر

اسم المقرر

عدد الساعات


Introduction to Translation


Introduction to Linguistics


Introduction to Literature


Introduction to Applied Linguistics



Arabic & Islamic Civilization




مجموع الساعات



الفصل الرابع

رقم المقرر

اسم المقرر

عدد الساعات








Non- Fictional Prose







مجموع الساعات



الفصل الخامس

رقم المقرر

اسم المقرر

عدد الساعات


Medieval Literature


Renaissance   Literature


17th & 18th Century  Literature


Romantic Literature


American Literature A



مجموع الساعات



الفصل السادس

رقم المقرر

اسم المقرر

عدد الساعات


Victorian Literature


20th Century English Literature


Teaching Methodology


American Literature B


Research Methods (Theory)



مجموع الساعات



الفصل السابع

رقم المقرر

اسم المقرر

عدد الساعات


Research Methodology (practice)


Literary Criticism


Topics in Literature A


American Literature  C


Literature in ELT



مجموع الساعات



الفصل الثامن

رقم المقرر

اسم المقرر

عدد الساعات


Research Project


Comparative Literature


Topics in Literature B


Language Testing



مجموع الساعات




توصيف المواد

waiting for content

 هذا المحتوى متوفر باللغة الانجليزية حاليا

Course Description and Syllabi

General courses:

Semester One:

Subject code Pre-requisite Credit Hours
Arabic Language 01101 none 3


Semester Two:


Subject code Pre-requisite Credit Hours
 Psychology   01101 3


Semester Three:

Subject code Pre-requisite Credit Hours
  Islamic civilization  03110  none  3


Listening and Speaking A

 (4 Credit Hours)

Course Description

Listening and speaking skills are closely intertwined. Since the interaction between these two skills in real time communication is essential for all types of discourse, the listening and the speaking components of this course are integrated.

The listening component aims at developing students’ ability to understand real-life spoken English in both academic and social context through recordings of spontaneous, natural speech which include a variety of voices and speaking styles.

The speaking component builds on the listening input for the purpose of developing speaking skills that help students take part in class and in other academic and general situations.

Course Syllabus

  1. The Listening Component:

Students will be exposed to listening input that stimulates their interest and motivates them to engage in class activities and discussion. All the listening exercises should be geared toward helping the students identify and employ listening strategies for different types of listening comprehension situations. This is to be carried out through a wide range of recorded materials (audio tapes or CDs, videos or DVDs) that are carefully selected in terms of their length and level of difficulty. These recordings include varieties of English use such as in the following situations:

  • General transactional conversations
  • Talks and speeches in academic contexts
  • Other listening activities that expose students to a selection of vocabulary and speaking styles used in academic and everyday language


The listening activities introduce students to sound recognition and train them to do the following:

  • identify and understand the general topic and signpost language
  • identify specific details
  • listen for definitions and work out meaning from spoken context
  • recognise a wide range of words in isolation and in the stream of speech
  • recognise segmental features such as individual phonemes and minimal pairs


  1. The Speaking Component:

The listening input is used to develop students’ communication skills. Different types of oral activities are designed to encourage students to engage in productive communication in order to improve their spoken English. Simple, general topics that are related to student’s life should be introduced first to establish confidence among the learners. Topics that may be presented at this level are university life, culture, art, literature, careers and any other topics that enhance students’ ability to understand and comprehend ideas and thoughts, and to relate these ideas and thoughts to their own experiences as students and as members of a larger community.

In teaching listening and speaking, the following points will be emphasized:


  • Cooperative learning is encouraged through pair and group work to give students an opportunity to produce spoken language.


  • Students are given a specific reason for listening, so that they are able to bring real-life listening and speaking skills to bear on the task.


  • It is recommended that students be sensitized to a particular point through a variety of activities before being asked to understand it intellectually


  • Recycling of vocabulary throughout the course is promoted in order to bring words back into consciousness through engaging activities


Reading& Writing   A

(4 Credit Hours)



Provides an access to natural life like texts through graded reading tasks.

Develops reading strategies, step by step from skimming to deduction.

Encourages an awareness of different approaches according to reading to purpose and type of texts.



Develops writing skills clearly and thoroughly from sentences to discourse.

practices writing a variety of factual and creative texts.

Practices and expands vocabulary skills systemically.

Teaches and practices dictionary skills.



Vocabulary & Dictionary Skills

 (3 Credit Hours)


The aim of the course is to help students to acquire basic techniques in learning vocabulary. In addition to this, the course is an attempt to encourage students to take more responsibility for their own vocabulary learning through using dictionary and glossaries. Thus, the courses focus on acquiring the skill of dictionary as source of words such as pronunciation, grammatical behavior, meaning and use of words in example sentences.

G\eneral Objectives

The course aims the following:

Which English words do students need most to learn?

How can we make these words seem important to the students?

How can many needed terms related to each specialization be taught during the first semester in order to provide foundation of language of applied linguistics, translations, literature and general linguistics

The course covers the following topics:

Different kinds of dictionary

Bilingual English dictionaries (Arabic English – English Arabic)

Monolingual dictionaries (e.g. English only)

Native speakers’ dictionaries such as long man dictionary of contemporary English, Collins Corbulid English Dictionary). learners’ dictionaries such as (Cambridge learner’s Dictionary, Oxford Learner’s Dictionary)

A reference dictionary is organized according to meaning categories. This is generally classed as thesaurus such as Collins paperback Thesaurus.

The use of learners’ dictionaries by providing dictionary entry from different types of dictionary.

  1. Specialized vocabulary will be taught through short texts and applying dictionary entries .



English Grammar A

 (3 Credit Hours)

The aim of this course is to acquaint students with English grammar. At this stage, students will learn the following: Pronouns (types and function) Nouns (types, function and form of noun), adjectives (descriptive and proper adjectives), adverbs (types and position), prepositions (place and time), articles (the basic usage), Present tense (simple and progressive), past tense (simple and progressive), simple future and passive voice for the aforementioned tenses).


  1. Types:
    • Personal pronouns
    • Indefinite pronouns
    • Demonstrative pronouns
    • Possessive pronouns
    • Reflexive pronouns
    • Reciprocal Pronouns
  2. Function:
    • Subject/object of the verb.
  • Subject complement
  • Object of preposition



  1. Types:
    • Personal nouns
    • Concrete or abstract nouns
    • Collective nouns
    • Nouns compounds
    • Mass/ unit
  2. Function:
  • Subject/ object of the verb
  • Object complement
  • Object of preposition
  1. Form of noun:
  • Inflectional forms(gender/number)
  • Possessive inflectional form
  • Derivational form of nouns.



  • Indefinite articles a/an (with common countable nouns)
  • Definite article THE


Present tense (simple and progressive) , past tense (simple and progressive) , simple future and passive voice for the aforementioned tenses)


Listening and speaking B

 (4 Credit Hours)


Students in the listening component are exposed to varieties of natural occurring spoken English through listening exercises that are intended to develop strategies for comprehending connected spoken English as used in narrative, descriptive or argumentative texts.


The aim of the spoken component is to develop what the students have started in listening and speaking A. They are to be given a good opportunity to move their communication skills outside the classroom by negotiating and discussing issues as well as situations that resemble real life language use. Thus, students should be taught how to interact, in the target language, with other people in any of the many situations they may find themselves in. The use of role- plays, pair and group work, teacher- student work, media- based material; TV, radio, magazines, video cassettes, etc… is believed to be essential for highly interactive material that promotes fluency and compressibility in spoken English.


It is always suggested that listening- lead- to speaking methodology would promote communication skills and match real-life use.



Reading & Writing   B

 (4 Credit Hours)


The course develops systematic development of reading and writing skills. It offers on variety of texts based on real life situations and develops the reading situations skills using these reading skills on a model for written work.

Unit 1 Writing Strategies Reading for gist / specific information outline
Unit 2 Everyday people Reading for gist / specific information Description – best friend
Unit 3 What a character Reading for specific information Description – TV favorite character
Unit 4 From all four corners of the world Reading for gist / specific information Description – town /city
Unit 6 A time to celebrate Reading for gist / specific information Description – a celebration
Unit 7 So the story goes Reading for specific information / detailed understanding

Description: emotions

First person narrative

Unit 9 Pros and cons

Reading for gist / specific information

Matching topics to paragraphs

Beginnings / endings

For and against paragraph

Unit 10 A matter of opinion Reading for specific information Beginnings / endings giving opinion
Unit 13 Drop me a line Reading for specific information – matching texts to visual prompts Beginnings / endings letters to a friend
Unit 14 We’d love it if you Reading for specific information – matching topics to paragraphs Letter of invitation to a friend letter accepting /refusing an invitation
Unit 17 Job hunting Reading for detailed understanding

Formal / informal style

Job application




English Grammar B

 (3 credit hours)


At this stage, students will be exposed to the following: present perfect (simple and continuous) , past perfect ( simple and continuous) , Future (continuous and perfect), conditionals (real, unreal (present) and unreal (past) , modals ( can, could, may, might, must, have to, need, should, ought.

Course Syllabus

Present perfect (simple and continuous)

  • Time expressions
  • Stative؛/ active verbs
  • Affirmative/Negative/Interrogative


Past Perfect (simple and continuous)

  • Time expression
  • Contrast with simple past
  • Affirmative/Negative/Interrogative


Future (continuous and perfect)

  • Time expression
  • Affirmative/Negative/Interrogative



  • Real conditions
  • Unreal conditions (present)
  • Unreal Conditions (past)



  • Present
  • Past


  • Can/could (have)
  1. ability 2. possibility 3. permission    4. requests
  • may/ might (have)
  1. permission 2. possibility 3. wishes
  • must/have to/ need (have)
  1. obligation 2. logical conclusion 3. necessity
  • should/ ought to (have)
  1. strong possibility 2. advisability
  • will
  1. determination 2. request 3. invitation 4. assumption 5. insistence



  • With reference to the tenses studied in Grammar I and Grammar II
  • With prepositional phrases
  • Difference between passive and adjectival phrases
  • pseudo passive
  • Semantic changes



Review of the basic uses of articles

  • The with mass and proper nouns
  • a/an with mass and proper nouns
  • zero article with singular count nouns


  • Sequence of adjectives
  • Comparative and superlative forms
  • Derivational form of adjectives



  • Sequence of adverbs
  • Comparative and superlative forms
  • Derivational form of adverbs



Introduction to Translation

 (3 credit hours)


Course description

This course is an introductory course which allows students to get acquainted with translation theories and practice for the first time. The aim objective of this course is to provide students with basic ideas about translation process and the contemporary theories set out by some scholars in this field and to enable them to improve their English and increase their lexical stock while at the same acquire the art of translating from English into Arabic and vice versa.

Part one

What is a translation study?

What is translation?

The translator as mediator

What is a translation theory?

Types of translation

Translation as a process

Cat ford’s translation process

Eugene Nida’s translation process

Nida’s componential analysis of meaning (CA)

Peter Newmark’s translation process

Translation as a product

Methods of translation

The difference between Semantics and Communicative Translation

The problem of Equivalence in Translation

Author-oriented translation

Reader-oriented translation

Text-oriented translation

Part two:

Meaning and translation

Arabic-English language and culture

Culture Aspects (social-religious-ideological-literary)

Denotative and connotative meaning


Phrasal verbs

Idioms and proverbs

Passive voice in translation

Translation problems (Lexical, Grammatical, Culture)

Translating English passive into Arabic

Translating English sentences into Arabic

Translating Arabic sentences into English

Part three

The practical part of the course consists of selected graded units of language starting from morphemes, words, phrases, clauses, simple sentences, complex sentences, compound sentences, paragraphs to texts taken from various sources(scientific, literary, religious, journalistic, legal and political).



Introduction to Linguistics

 (3 credit hours)


This is an introductory course in the field of modern linguistics. It covers the basic ideas concerning the scientific study of language as a system of communication and a form of human behaviour.


The content of the course:

  1. What is linguistics?
  2. What is language?
  • The nature of language
  • Defining language
  • Animal vs. human communication
  • The function of language


  1. The scope of linguistics
  • Language and parole
  • Competence and performance
  • Language structure and language use


  1. Investigating language
  • The use of intuition
  • The use of corpus linguistics


  1. A historical introduction
  • The early contribution of ancient linguistics
    • The Indians
    • The Greek
    • The Arabs


  1. Nineteen and Twentieth Century Linguistics
  • Historical linguistics
  • Descriptive
  • Generative linguistics
  • Synchronic linguistics vs. diagnostic linguistics
  • Prescriptive vs. descriptive
  • Structural linguistics
  • Transformational-Generative Grammar


  1. Principles and levels of analysis
  • Phonetics
  • Phonology
  • Morphology
  • Syntax
  • Semantics
  • Meaning in context: pragmatics


  1. Current issues and other areas of linguistics
  • Universal grammar
  • Formal linguistics
  • Functional linguistics


  1. Other areas of linguistics: Psycholinguistics and Sociolinguistics


Introduction to English Literature

(3 Credit Hours)

Course Description

This is the initial course in the core of the literature courses which are offered to serve the following objectives:

  • To expose students to the creative use of language.
  • To provide students with the opportunity to read extensively.
  • To train students to acquire an analytical approach to a literary text.
  • To stimulate students’ interest in imaginative writings.
  • To develop in the students a sense of appreciation to literary work

This introductory course introduces students to the three major genres of literature; poetry, drama and fiction by exploring the different literary elements, devices and features found in each genre and examining these in representative texts.

Course Syllabus

Introduction to English literature is designed primarily to familiarize students with different aspects and forms of literature. Short passages and complete literary works are analysed to exemplify the literary elements in the three basic genres; poetry, drama and fiction.

The main components of this course are as follow:

  • Defining literature
  • Types of English literature: poetry, fiction and drama
  • Defining poetry
    • The language of poetry: symbols, metaphors, similes, etc.
    • Main types of English poetry: sonnets, narrative, descriptive, etc.
  • Defining fiction
    • Elements of fiction: characters, plot, setting
  • Defining drama
    • Elements of drama
    • Types of plays: comedy, melodrama, etc.



Introduction to Applied Linguistics

 (3 Credit Hours)


The course is a general introduction to the area of applied linguistics. It covers the following topics:

  1. General introduction to linguistics
  • What is linguistics
  • What is language
  • Levels of analysis
  • Definitions
    • Sound
    • Syntax
    • Morphology
    • Semantics


  1. Areas of applied linguistics
  • Psycholinguistics
  • Socio-linguistics
  • Language teaching


  1. The techniques of applied linguistics
  • Contrastive linguistic studies
  • The study of learner’s language (error analysis)


  1. The application of linguistics
  • Linguistics in language teaching / learning
  • Linguistics and translation
  • Linguistics and literature (stylistics)


All of the above topics are introduced briefly and systematically.



(3 credit hours)


Course description:

Poetry is a course that aims at providing students with more than just an introduction to the study of poetry, in fact this syllabus is addressed to learners who are beginning a serious investigation of poetry. Bearing in mind the difficulties involved and acknowledging the evolving nature of poetry, this course works to balance the classic with the contemporary, to represent a wide diversity of poets, and to emphasise the importance of the close reading of poetry as the preferred avenue to enjoy and appreciate it. The syllabus attempts to offer students a sufficient grasp of the nature and variety of poetry, some necessary means for reading it with appreciative understanding, and a few primary ideas of how to evaluate it. The initial step will be understanding the elements of poetry through which it presents itself: those elements will be presented in a progression in which each new topic builds on what preceded it, putting the emphasis always on how and why. At the same time, particular attention will be paid to the analysis of poems and to the difficult task of writing about poetry. In matters of theory, the course represents a perfect venue for discussing different critical approaches in order to fully respond to the texts and guide the students in the stage of interpretation. The course guides students through the study of poetry and its cultural, social, and historical contexts. Content includes terminology and methods for analyzing and evaluating poetry including form, thematic development, and style. Poems, reflecting culturally diverse texts, may be organized according to a number of principles, including thematic, analytic, structural and historical modes.  A thematic organization would group texts according to such common themes as innocence and experience; love; conformity and rebellion; death.  An analytic organization would group units of study according to elements of poetry, studying in turn speaker, imagery, figures of speech, formal elements, etc.  A historical organization would arrange texts chronologically.  A structural organization would group poems according to some common formal elements:  sonnets, odes, lyrics, etc. The last part of the course will present a critical casebook, such as: From symbolism to modernism: Yeats, Pound, and Eliot; Contemporary British poetry; Poetry and personal identity; Postcolonial poetics; Women’s Voices.

Course objectives:

The student will be able to:

To acquire a vocabulary of literary terms specific of poetry.

Explain the distinctive characteristics of poetry as a genre.

Identify the conventions of poetic works such as: as lyric, epic, ballad, sonnet, elegy, free verse, and dramatic monologue, etc.

Interpret the formal elements of these works using appropriate terminology, such as: speaker, metaphor, symbolism, irony, tone, meter, rhyme, simile, personification, etc.

Analyze works in the context of their literary, cultural, and historical backgrounds.

Synthesize knowledge of genre, formal elements, and background material.

Develop analytical and critical skills.

Incorporate secondary sources in the analysis and interpretation of poetry texts.

Read literature with greater understanding and expand the tools necessary to reach a critical evaluation of a literary text.

Get familiar with a theoretical and methodological framework for analyzing literary texts.

Write more clearly and critically in response to challenging literary texts.

Focus on the value of literature in our society.



 (3 credit hours)


Course description:

Drama is a course designed to introduce students to the study of a variety of dramatic works. Students will read, analyze, and interpret different types of dramatic texts such as tragedies and comedies in an attempt to relate awareness of literary structure of selected literary pieces and different methods of critical analysis. Together with an in-depth language-based analysis of the literary texts object of study, a willingness to share interpretations as well personal response will be fostered throughout the course. The course will showcase plays by major playwrights, such as Shakespeare, Wilde, Shaw, Beckett, Miller, Williams.


Course objectives:

The student will be able to:


Learn a set of literary terms for the study of drama.

Explain the distinctive characteristics of the drama.

Identify and differentiate between such forms of drama as tragedy, comedy, satire, and tragicomedy.

Interpret in dramatic literature such elements as character, action, theme, symbolism, irony, staging, and structure.

Delineate the origins and the evolution of drama and the theater within historical and cultural contexts.

Synthesize knowledge of genre, formal elements, and background material.

Incorporate secondary sources in the analysis and interpretation of drama texts.

Study a variety of dramatic texts that will highlight the richness and specificity of reading and performing dramatic works.

Explore a wide range of issues that will help shape their life and focus on the value of literature in our society.




 (3 Credit Hours)

Course Description

Fiction is a course designed to introduce students to the study of a variety of literary works pertaining the genre of fiction. This course considers issues of narrative form, structure, technique and style in the short story, the novella, and the novel. A variety of narrative texts will be studied to highlight literary development along with focusing on historic, cultural, structural, psychological, political, philosophic, and linguistic contexts by applying contemporary literary theory to the texts. In this course the focus will be on both the study of the elements of fiction and on a broader framework for analyzing, interpreting, and evaluating narrative texts. Readings, reflecting culturally diverse texts, may be organized according to a number of principles, including thematic, analytic and historical modes. A thematic organization would group texts according to specific literary themes. An analytic or formal organization would group texts according to different genres of fiction or different narrative techniques and styles, studying in turn the formal elements of each work. A historical organization would arrange texts chronologically in order to highlight the historical periods and development of fictional works and genres. The course will be conducted through lectures, discussions, and the use of other appropriate media, such as films.  Students will read a variety of short stories and novels and demonstrate competence through short written projects, quizzes, test, and discussion.

Firstly, a distinction will be drawn between Story and Discourse (also between Story or Fabula and Plot). Then several other aspects will be taken into consideration: Narration, Focalisation, Narrative Modes: (Showing/Telling: Speech, Report, Description, Comment).

Narrative Levels: Matrix Narratives, Embedded Narratives and their functions: actional integration, exposition, distraction, obstruction/retardation, analogy, mise en abyme.

Setting and fictional space: Atmosphere, Space and Character, Space and Plot, Symbolic Space.

Time: 1)Tense, 2)Order: Beginnings: Ab Ovo, In Medias Res, In Ultimas Res; Analepsis/Prolepsis;3)Suspense;4) Open/Closed Endings; 5) Duration; 6) Frequency.

Characterization: Narratorial/Figural, Explicit/Implicit, Self/Altero-characterisation; Block characterization; Flat/Round Characters. Different character function: Main/Minor; Protagonist/Antagonist; Hero/Villain; Confidant, Foil, Witness, Chorus characters.

Course objectives:

The student will be able to:

Identify and define the major elements of fiction.

Explain the distinctive characteristics and conventions of culturally diverse works of fiction by focusing on genre, literary technique and social context.

Analyse a variety of narrative texts by relying on the methods of independent inquiry.

Discuss and debate multiple interpretations of fictional works by applying the methods of shared inquiry.

Engage in close readings of fictional texts as support for literary interpretation in classroom discussion and written assignments.

Interpret the formal elements of the novel and short story, using appropriate literary terminology.

Analyze works of fiction in the context of their literary, cultural, and historical backgrounds.

Analyze the complexities of race, gender, ethnicity, and class in fiction.

Distinguish and apply multiple critical approaches to the analysis of fictional texts.

Non-Fictional Prose

 (3 credit hours)


Course description

Non-Fictional Prose introduces students to the difference between Fiction and Non-Fiction.  The course will identify and examine the forms, genres, literary conventions, and topics of concern that typify non-fictional  texts. Non-fictional works object of study will include different types of essays such as scientific, political, doctrinal and philosophical prose; newspaper and magazine articles; speeches and sermons; political writings  such as constitutions; travelogues; aphorisms; biographical as well as autobiographical writings such as memoirs, letters, diaries and journals; factual narratives.

Course objectives:

  • Through the study of a selection of non-fictional prose works ranging in origin, length and difficulty, this course will enable students:
  • To extend their critical and analytical skills and to develop an awareness of the rhetorical principles that inform effective discourse.
  • To develop a critical awareness of the relationship between style and meaning.
  • To learn how prose can mirror changing social and philosophical views, and how writers give shape to their experience and interests.


 (3 credit hours)

Stylistics is concerned with the study of style in language. It can be defined as the analysis of distinctive expression in language and the description of its purpose and effect. This course answers the following questions: what makes an expression distinctive, why it has been devised, and what effect it has.

This course introduces the learner to key concepts in stylistics. These introductions are compact and are ordered in a linear way, so if the student reads progressively through this section s/he can assemble a composite picture of the core issues in both stylistic theory and practice.

Of course, the most productive way of learning about stylistics is simply to do it. This course provides the opportunity to try out and apply what you have learned. For example, it offers a practical activity involving the exploration of patterns of grammar in a short poem and offers a chance to investigate the concept of transitivity in different kinds of texts. It also allows students to read what other scholars have written on the relevant subject over the years and to this effect, it offers a wide-ranging selection of readings by some of the best known stylisticians in the world.

Course Outline

An Introduction: key concepts in stylistics

What is stylistics?

Stylistics and levels of language

Grammar and style

Rhythm and metre

Narrative stylistics

Style as choice

Style and point of view

Representing speech and thought

Dialogue and discourse

Cognitive stylistics

Metaphor and metonymy

Stylistics and verbal humour

B Development: doing stylistics

Developments in stylistics

Levels of language at work: an example from poetry

Sentence styles: development and illustration

Interpreting patterns of sound

Developments in structural narratology

Style and transitivity

Approaches to point of view

Techniques of speech and thought presentation



Medieval Literature

 (3 Credit Hours)

Course Description

Medieval Literature  traces the development of English literature from the Origins to the Middle Ages. The medieval period, or the Middle Ages, spans about a thousand years between the fall of the Roman Empire, which occurred around 500 CE, and the beginning of the European Renaissance, which was a bit later in England around 1500 CE. The idea of a period called the Middle Ages was a product of later thinkers who contrasted the explosive creativity and cultural transformation of the Renaissance with the seemingly subdued work of earlier centuries. Many saw this earlier period as less intellectually and culturally valuable. The ideas, values, and tastes of this period are more in alignment with our own, and it is easy to appreciate and identify with them more than with those of earlier times. Nonetheless, the Middle Ages produced artistic works that not only reveal the culture and thought of that age, but also link strongly with artistic representations from later ages, including our own. Many fundamental ideas of western culture developed in this middle period. Although the Renaissance is traditionally touted as a period of particularly explosive creativity and cultural rebirth, we will discover that art, literature, and philosophy certainly flourished in the Middle Ages as well. This survey course has been designed in order to introduce students to the very origins of literary expression in the English language. The course will identify and examine the forms, genres, literary conventions, and topics of concern that typify medieval literature. In recognition of the vast time range and large amount of material to be covered, this course will approach literature as a product of specific historical and cultural circumstances. To foster this understanding, this course has been divided into two chronological units: Anglo-Saxon England and Old English poetry; Medieval English Literature. At the outset of each unit, the course will explore the historical and cultural background of the period, and then propose the most representative texts. Firstly, the course presents the major writings relating to pagan Anglo-Saxon literature, such as the Old English Elegies and Beowulf. Secondly, the Christian poetry of Caedmon and Cynewulf will be briefly dealt with. Thirdly, the main works of the Middle Ages will follow.

Course objectives:

To develop analytical skills and critical thinking through reading, discussion, and written assignments.

To broaden a student’s intercultural reading experience.

To deepen a student’s awareness of the universal human concerns that are the basis for literary works.

To stimulate a greater appreciation of language as an artistic medium and of the aesthetic principles that shape literary works.

To understand literature as an expression of human values within an historical and social context.

Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:

situate literature of the medieval period within its historical context, particularly in relation to the contrast between Pagan tradition and the development of Christian culture;

explain the relevance of central themes in medieval texts, including those relating to economic, social, and religious issues;

recognize and identify the different genres in which medieval writers worked, and explain how these genres relate to one another both historically and stylistically;

identify the stylistic and formal elements of medieval poetry and prose;

define and use important literary terms related to major works of the medieval period;

trace the evolution of language (Old, Middle, and their relationship to Modern English) within the context of medieval  literature;

describe the literature of the period as a product of oral and written cultures;

identify and describe specific features, such as the alliterative line.

To develop analytical skills and critical thinking through reading, discussion, and written assignments.

To broaden a student’s intercultural reading experience.

To deepen a student’s awareness of the universal human concerns that are the basis for literary works.

To stimulate a greater appreciation of language as an artistic medium and of the aesthetic principles that shape literary works.

To understand literature as an expression of human values within an historical and social context.


Renaissance Literature

 (4 Credit Hours)

Course Description

Renaissance Literature traces the development of English literature from the Middle Ages to the Renaissance. The Renaissance period in English literature includes the Elizabethan period and the Jacobean period. The Renaissance marked a Revival for Learning with an emphasis on Humanism and the rediscovery of classical antiquity. The literary production of the Renaissance will be discussed, namely the poetry of Wyatt and Surrey, Sidney, Spenser, as well as the works of Marlow and Shakespeare.

Course objectives:

To develop analytical skills and critical thinking through reading, discussion, and written assignments.

To deepen a student’s awareness of the universal human concerns that are the basis for literary works.

To stimulate a greater appreciation of language as an artistic medium and of the aesthetic principles that shape literary works.

To understand literature as an expression of human values within an historical and social context.

Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:

situate literature of the Renaissance period within its historical context;

explain the relevance of central themes in Renaissance texts, including those relating to economic, social, and religious issues;

recognize and identify the different genres in which writers worked, and explain how these genres relate to one another both historically and stylistically;

identify the stylistic and formal elements of Renaissance poetry, drama, and prose;

define and use important literary terms related to major works of the Renaissance period;

trace the evolution of language (Old, Middle, and their relationship to Modern English) within the context of  Elizabethan and Jacobean literature;

describe the literature of the period as a product of its culture;

identify and describe specific forms, such as the sonnet.

To develop analytical skills and critical thinking through reading, discussion, and written assignments.

To broaden a student’s intercultural reading experience.

To deepen a student’s awareness of the universal human concerns that are the basis for literary works.

To stimulate a greater appreciation of language as an artistic medium and of the aesthetic principles that shape literary works.

To understand literature as an expression of human values within an historical and social context.


17th and 18th Century Literature

 (3 credit hours)

Course description:

English Literature B provides a survey of English literature of the Puritan Age, the Restoration, and the Augustan Age. Among the developments witnessed in this period were the revival of English drama, the proliferation of print culture, the beginnings of Enlightenment consciousness, the rapid expansion of the British Empire, and the revolutions that gave birth to our modern political order. In the context of scientific progress, the ethical imperatives of a commercial empire, and revolutionary upheaval, writers of the period produced powerful works of literature across a range of genres and styles. The course will examine a wide variety of literary genres and formats, including novels, epic poems, lyric poems, dramas, periodical essays, and biographies. The course is designed to familiarize students with the broad political, social, aesthetic, and philosophical developments that shaped literature throughout a period of history that saw England’s expansion as a colonial power and the dawn of the industrial age. Content includes the Metaphysical poets, such as Donne, Marvell, and Herbert; the writings of Milton, Bunyan, Gray, Pope, Gay, as well as Congreve. The rise of the novel will constitute a major element of the course with authors like Defoe, Swift, Fielding, Sterne. Major writers represented in this course were constantly reevaluating what should count as literature, so the materials will explore the way forms for writing poetry and prose allowed authors to innovate carefully while remaining anchored in the flexible forms of genre; which works were popular and why, and why some have survived better than others. Throughout the readings students will learn the importance of the rhetorical principle of decorum, of choosing a fit style for different genres, subjects and audiences. Students will study the works of writers from periods rich in intellectual range and from which the readers of today have inherited some abiding interests and literary forms.

Course objectives:

  • to explore the literary production of the Puritan Age, the Restoration, and the Augustan Age.
  • to study a wide range of characteristic genres including epic, mock-epic, satire, journalistic writing, travel narrative, the periodical essay, drama, the novel, elegy, ode, and lyrics of various kinds
  • to explore how these experiments with both traditional and newly-invented genres both express and contest the traditional religious, political, and aesthetic “authority” of the age
  • to develop a sense of the different historical phases, from its Puritan beginnings through Restoration to its Augustan
  • to consider central debates about nature and human nature as they inform many of these texts, particularly those contesting the merits of and relation between the passions of self-interest and sympathy; and debates about such terms as nature, human nature, reason, judgment, sense, manners, taste, sensibility, and imagination.
  • to develop a corollary heightened awareness of the distinctively vocabularies originating in and fuelling these debates.
  • to use, along with the close reading of complex individual texts, wide-ranging comparative methods of analysis which emphasize the ongoing dialogues, debates, and conversations among them.
  • to apply, in oral and written form, the arts of interpretive argument.
  • to acquire an understanding of how these texts inform and reflect their particular cultural moment and register the onset of modernity
  • Reflect and write analytically about the literary texts and their contexts.
  • Develop relevant skills of literary critical analysis.



Romantic Literature

 (4 credit hours)


Course description:

This course takes a look back at the artistic and philosophical movement known as Romanticism, and its pivotal contributions to Western literature. Romanticism was a literary age marked by a series of revolutions: the Industrial Revolution, the American Revolution, the French Revolution, Wollstonecraft’s “revolution in female manners,” and revolutionary efforts to redefine self, identity, consciousness, and visionary experience. The artistic and philosophical movement known as Romanticism arose in the context of the revolutions in France, America and other parts of the worlds, and was situated in ambivalent relation to the main intellectual currents of the Enlightenment. Amid revolutions abroad, social unrest at home, massive technological and economic shifts, and new ideas about the nature of the self and about the rights of individual men and women, the writers we’ll study in this course saw the world changing with an unprecedented pace, and felt alternately exhilarated, terrified, enraged and amused by the changes they witnessed.  The course will look at how Romantic writers used experiments with literary form both to respond to these social and historical contexts, and to address more intimate concerns of love and loss, memory and desire.  Many of the writers of this period saw themselves as part of a utopian transformation of humanity, while others agonised over the potential for radical destabilisation that new concepts of the rights of individuals had ushered in. This course examines a selection of British Romantic writers in the context of these momentous developments. After an introduction to the Romantic period, and Romanticism as a concept, the course will be centred around a series of themes: the poetic imagination, where we will examine the poetic theories of Wordsworth, Coleridge, Shelley and Keats; Romantic landscapes, where we will read responses to both nature – on the small and grand scale – and the city; Romantic perspectives of the past, including the turn to Greek antiquity (neo-Hellenism), the ballad revival, and Sir Walter Scott’s novel Ivahoe, arguably the first historical novel; the individualistic, idealistic but world-weary Byronic and Romantic hero; and finally, Romantic ambition in Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein (1818) and the culture of posterity as expressed in the poetry of Keats. The course will focus on particular literary responses to the Enlightenment, such as the emergence of Gothic fiction and the Romantic cult of Nature. Topics include gender; the natural world and the new metropolis; domestic life in wartime; the social role and responsibility of the writer; the poet as celebrity; childhood, imagination and dream. Ultimately, the course will expose the enormous influence of Romantic discourse upon modernity itself. It will examine selection of British Romantic writers in the context of these momentous developments, including the poetry and prose of Burns, Blake Wordsworth, Coleridge, Shelley, Mary Shelley, Lord Byron, and Keats.

Course objectives:

Recognize the features of literary Romanticism

Describe the literature and culture of the Romantic period and recognize the literary styles of several key authors from the period.

Formulate useful questions and cogent arguments about Romantic literature.

Express literary interpretations in focused, coherent writing.

Situate literature within cultural, historical contexts.

Evaluate current criticism independently.

To gain a deeper insight into and appreciation for English literary and cultural expression of the Romantic age, including fiction, poetry, and non-fiction.

To understand some of the politics and technologies that facilitated literary production during the Romantic period.

To better appreciate the importance of national and transnational contexts for literary and cultural works.

To be able to produce a historically nuanced close reading of a given literary object.

To enhance analytical, interpretative, and argumentative skills for discussing and writing about cultural objects.

Develop in-depth knowledge of the main writers and be able to recognize and respond to the work of several others.

Use reference and critical material relevant to the field.

Present and defend a proposal or position, tolerate constructive criticism and incorporate feedback into ongoing projects.


American Literature A

(3 credit hours)


Course Description


This course represents a survey of American literature beginning with the literature of the Native Americans to the Romantic period, roughly from 1492 until 1820. Students will study works of prose, poetry, drama and fiction in relation to their historical and cultural contexts. Texts will be selected from among a diverse group of authors for what they reflect and reveal about the evolving American experience and character.


Course Objectives


At the completion of this course, students will be able to:


  • Recognize the main elements of different literary genres and assess their significance.
  • Identify a literary text’s main themes and make reasonable assertions about their meaning.
  • Place authors and literary texts in their cultural and historical context.
  • Describe major literary movements and trends.
  • Identify key ideas, representative authors and works, significant historical or cultural events, and characteristic perspectives or attitudes expressed in the literature of different periods or regions.
  • Analyze literary works as expressions of individual or communal values within the social, political, cultural, or religious contexts of different literary periods.
  • Recognize and interpret literary images and symbols to infer their relationship to the main themes of the text.
  • Demonstrate knowledge of the development of characteristic forms or styles of expression during different historical periods in different regions.
  • Identify, analyze, interpret and describe the critical ideas, values, and themes that appear in literary and cultural texts and understand the ways these ideas, values, and themes inform and impact culture and society, both now and in the past.
  • Use the internet and other resources to give an oral presentation on a literary text, period, or author.


Course Outline


  1. Pre-Colonial Period: Native Americans
  2. Literature of Exploration

III. Colonial Period

  1. Revolutionary Period and Early National Period


This course will cover the above listed periods in American literature, with attention to each period’s relevance and impact on American societal and cultural issues, as well as specific authors making significant contributions to each.

Victorian Literature

(3 credit hours)



Course description:


This course will explore British texts from the period 1832-1901 in literary, historical, social, and cultural context. The period spanning the years 1832 to 1901 in the British Empire was a period of rapid political, economic, social, and literary change.  Industrialization and imperial expansion mark an era also known for the flowering of both the realist novel and children’s literature, as well as biography, autobiography, and new experiments in both epic and lyric poetry. This period course in Victorian literature, provides a survey of selected literature of the Victorian period, including some if not all of the listed genres and emphasizing the importance of Victorian literature for the literary movements that followed. As a matter of fact, this course will investigate how key features of modernity emerged in Britain during the Victorian period. Students will learn to identify the narratives through which Victorians constructed three major features of modernity: liberal democracy, finance capitalism, and global interdependence. These narratives appear in poetry, fiction, and non-fiction, as well as other arts, statistics, and technological developments. Through cumulative research projects, students will achieve a critical understanding of the dynamic between human innovation and material conditions in the Victorian period that continue to influence us today. This course introduces students to the literature and culture of the Victorian period, allowing them to explore peculiarly Victorian literary phenomena like sensation literature, city writing, spiritualist writing and mourning poetry, and helping them draw connections between Victorian literary works and the culture and history of the period. The Victorian period was one of immense social, ideological and cultural change: the industrial revolution, scientific and technological progress, colonial expansion, and changing notions of femininity and domesticity were just some of the many concerns addressed in texts of the period.  We will engage with these issues by reading a range of Victorian texts as well as recent critical studies of the period.  Topics will include the relationship of the Victorian novel to empire and to issues of gender, Victorian travel and science, the social and cultural impact of industrialization, Victorian notions of femininity and the concept of “double standard”, and constructions of the domestic and the foreign in Victorian culture.


Course objectives:

  • To acquaint students with the major literary genres and figures of the Victorian period, and to explore the process of canon formation in and after the period.
  • To provide students with an understanding of some of the sociological factors and intellectual movements of the Victorian period, both as reflected and as constructed by the literature of the time.
  • To establish a connection between Victorian literature and the following literary developments of Modernist literature.
  • To develop more effective analytical skills in both discussion and writing, through class discussion, in-class exams, and course papers.
  • To explore some of the variety of on-line resources available for the scholar of Victorian literature, with an eye to developing a more thorough awareness of what the resources and their limitations are, and perhaps to developing our own.


20th Century English Literature

(4 credit hours)


Course Description:


20th Century English Literature is a course that focuses on modernist and postmodernist literary texts, including short fiction, novels, poetry, and drama. The course fosters deep reading, reflection, and effective writing. Students will be introduced to a range of the most exciting, challenging, and memorable writing in English dating from the Edwardian era to the end of last century. Students will discover, and learn to use, key critical concepts and terms for literary studies. They will examine how contemporary writers engage with and write about the world; how literary fiction relates to literary traditions, popular cultural forms, and the media; what characterises literary authorship, genre, tradition, and reading in the 20th century; and how reading and writing influence how we interpret the past, the present, the everyday, and the future.


Course objectives:

  • introduce the study of 20th century literature by reading a selection of modernist and postmodernist texts
  • introduce key contextual, formal, and critical questions for reading literary texts and for literary studies more broadly
  • introduce the reading and analysis of literary texts in the contexts of their engagement with broader cultural and social debates
  • foster the skills of reading, research, and writing, particularly by engaging creatively with new literary texts
  • discuss ways in which 20th century literature is in a conversation with its precursors and its impact on contemporary developments in the field of literature
  • cultivate the development of original responses to texts, and the analysis of new trends in literature and related cultural forms.
  • encourage students to research and analyse texts independently and without formal guidance
  • encourage students to work creatively and effectively with colleagues in the discipline.


Teaching Methodology and Strategies

(3 credit hours)



This aim of the course is to give an overall picture of the traditional approaches to ELT together with more recent development. This course is divided into two parts. The first part is definitions and theory which underline the English language teaching practice. The second part is techniques and application.

The content of the course

  1. Terms related to ELT:

* authentic text and task

*choral repetition

*Communicative activity


*controlled practice or guided practice

*creative practice or freer practice


*deductive learning approach


*error analysis

*formal instruction


*inductive learning approach


*information gap activity

*language teaching

* the language syllabus




*receptive and productive skills

*Second language acquisition and second language learning

* teaching practice

  1. Teaching and learning the language

*the nature of language

*the nature of learning

  1. Learning theories

*the behaviorist theory

*the cognitive theory

*implications to classroom practice

4.Structuralism in language teaching

  1. Functionalism in language teaching
  2. Methods and approaches in ELT

* the grammar translation method

*the audio-lingual method

* the reading method

*the eclectic approach

*the communicative approach

  1. The language syllabus

*Structural syllabus

*situational syllabus

*functional syllabus

*discourse based syllabus

  1. Levels of language description

* teaching pronunciation

*teaching vocabulary

*teaching grammar

  1. Language skills

*teaching reading

*teaching writing

*teaching listening

*teaching speaking


American Literature B

(3 credit hours)


Course Description


This course represents a survey of American literature beginning with the Romantic period to the period of Modernism, roughly from 1820 until 1914. Students will study works of prose, poetry, drama and fiction in relation to their historical and cultural contexts. Texts will be selected from among a diverse group of authors for what they reflect and reveal about the evolving American experience and character.


Course Objectives


At the completion of this course, students will be able to:

  • Recognize the main elements of different literary genres and assess their significance.
  • Identify a literary text’s main themes and make reasonable assertions about their meaning.
  • Place authors and literary texts in their cultural and historical context.
  • Describe major literary movements and trends.
  • Identify key ideas, representative authors and works, significant historical or cultural events, and characteristic perspectives or attitudes expressed in the literature of different periods or regions.
  • Analyze literary works as expressions of individual or communal values within the social, political, cultural, or religious contexts of different literary periods.
  • Recognize and interpret literary images and symbols to infer their relationship to the main themes of the text.
  • Demonstrate knowledge of the development of characteristic forms or styles of expression during different historical periods in different regions.
  • Identify, analyze, interpret and describe the critical ideas, values, and themes that appear in literary and cultural texts and understand the ways these ideas, values, and themes inform and impact culture and society, both now and in the past.
  • Use the internet and other resources to give an oral presentation on a literary text, period, or author.


Course Outline


  1. Romantic Period
  2. Realism

III. Naturalism


This course will cover the above listed periods in American literature, with attention to each period’s relevance and impact on American societal and cultural issues, as well as specific authors making significant contributions to each.


Research Methodology (Theory)

 (3 Credit Hours)

Course Description

The aim of this course is to enhance the students’ understanding and application in some technical aspects of research. Students should know how to choose a topic, write a purpose, make a preliminary outline, prepare a bibliography and footnote entries for different references. Students are also made familiar with the library and its resources for research. Writing III is a prerequisite. Thus students are expected to write coherently and present well organized research papers.

Course syllabus

  • Introduction to Key Terms
  • World Wide Web Resources
  • Library visit and assignment
  • Choosing a Topic
  • Using the library
  • Narrowing the focus
  • Finding relevant books and articles
  • Preliminary bibliography
  • Preliminary thesis statement
  • Preliminary outline
  • Plagiarism
  • Taking notes (summary, paraphrase, quotation)
  • Revised thesis statement and outline
  • Format of APA Style
  • Format of MLA Style Sheet
  • A student’s Research Paper
  • Writing first draft



Research Methodology (Practice & Computer skills )

 (3 Credit Hours)


Course Description:

The second course in Research Methodology in the 7th semester seeks to delve more deeply into the methods and procedures learned in relation to the branches of the faculty, and where ever to apply this aspect of research thought in the foundation course in semester six. Thus, while the foundation research methodology course represents the theorical part, the practical part is divided into two sections. The first section is:

  1. Survey research.
  2. types of questionnaire items.
  3. types interviews.
  4. Case study.
  5. Classroom observation.
  6. Error analysis.
  7. Discourse analysis.
  8. Corpus Linguistics.


The second part of the practical course is to provide students with the basic computer skills and data show presentation.


Literary Criticism

 (4 Credit Hours)

Course Description

This course will familiarize students with some of the main themes and currents of literary criticism and theory. The course will cover literary criticism and theory, from the European classical period (Plato, Aristotle, Longinus) to major trends in the twentieth century, including: new criticism, structuralism, deconstruction, postcolonial theory, feminist theory, and new historicism.

Course objectives:

  • provide a brief survey of some major critical approaches to literature
  • provide a critical insight into the operations of literary criticism, literary texts, and literature as an institution;
  • introduce students to some key theoretical works of literary studies;
  • provide students with a basic ability to apply literary theory and criticism to the reading of literary works;
  • improve reading skills of critical and theoretical texts; and
  • improve oral and written argumentation skills.




Topics in Literature A

 (4 Credit Hours)

Course Description

This course explores selected topics in literature. Content will vary, with possible focus on a single author, group of authors, period of literature or literary theme. The outline of topics is, naturally, contingent on course content. Methods of instruction include lecture, discussion, collaborative work, student presentations, and other assignments which foster critical analysis of the subject matter.  Each lecture will develop into a research community as students work together in small and large groups to increase their verbal discussion skills, as well as their reading and writing skills.


Course objectives:

Students will learn how to analyze works studied and convey their understanding through oral and written assignments. Upon successful completion of this course, students will gain:

  • A comprehensive and well-founded knowledge of a given topic
  • The ability to collect, analyse and organise information and ideas and to convey those ideas clearly and fluently, in both written and spoken forms.
  • The ability to interact effectively with others in order to work towards a common outcome.
  • The ability to work and learn independently.
  • The ability to apply critical reasoning to issues through independent thought and informed judgement.

The course encourages:

  • critical judgement (through deep reading of literary texts, literary analysis, library research, and scholarly writing practices)
  • ethical and social understanding (through the consideration and discussion of debates about the cultural and social role of literature, and the analysis and composition of literary writing)
  • effective communication skills (through class discussion, essay writing, and group work tasks
  • independence and creativity (through the study of creative and critical writing principles and practices)
  • reading pleasure


American Literature C

 (3 Credit Hours)


Course Description

This course represents a survey of American literature beginning with the period of Modernism until the Contemporary period, roughly from 1914 until the present. Students will study works of prose, poetry, drama and fiction in relation to their historical and cultural contexts. Texts will be selected from among a diverse group of authors for what they reflect and reveal about the evolving American experience and character.


Course Objectives


At the completion of this course, students will be able to:


  • Recognize the main elements of different literary genres and assess their significance.
  • Identify a literary text’s main themes and make reasonable assertions about their meaning.
  • Place authors and literary texts in their cultural and historical context.
  • Describe major literary movements and trends.
  • Identify key ideas, representative authors and works, significant historical or cultural events, and characteristic perspectives or attitudes expressed in the literature of different periods or regions.
  • Analyze literary works as expressions of individual or communal values within the social, political, cultural, or religious contexts of different literary periods.
  • Recognize and interpret literary images and symbols to infer their relationship to the main themes of the text.
  • Demonstrate knowledge of the development of characteristic forms or styles of expression during different historical periods in different regions.
  • Identify, analyze, interpret and describe the critical ideas, values, and themes that appear in literary and cultural texts and understand the ways these ideas, values, and themes inform and impact culture and society, both now and in the past.
  • Use the internet and other resources to give an oral presentation on a literary text, period, or author.


Course Outline


  1. Period of Modernism
  2. Contemporary period


This course will cover the above listed periods in American literature, with attention to each period’s relevance and impact on American societal and cultural issues, as well as specific authors making significant contributions to each.



Literature in ELT

 (3 Credit Hours)


Course Description

This course discusses questions like “what is literature? What are the main literary concepts and terms which a teacher needs to know? It also examines the relationship between language teaching and literature. It presents a pedagogical treatment if literary texts (the type of sentence pattern, the type of vocabulary, the non-core meaning of the vocabulary ) and the impact of this on designing syllabuses and learning materials. The course also looks at ways in which a variety of literary texts, including poetry, plays, short stories and novels, can be used in the classroom. The tasks and other activities organized around them offer generalizable procedures and teachings which can be applied or adapted to different teaching contexts.



 Research Project

 (4 credit hours)




Course description


Students have to write a research paper as part of their graduation requirements in the field of applied linguistics, literature, language teaching, or translation. They apply technical aspects of research writing that had already been studied in the research methodology course.

Comparative Literature

(4 credit hours)



Course description:

Comparative Literature entails conscious engagements with theories of literature, language, and culture from throughout the world. This course ranges across some of the ideas that have been influential in shaping scholarly questions in a variety of languages. It also addresses the global dimensions of literature: rhetorics and ethics of comparison, world literature, and indigenous knowledges.
Comparative Literature is a course that will introduce students to traditional concepts of influence, periods, themes, genres, “extraliterary” relations, translation studies, and their development in modern theory. It will address questions of textuality and intertextuality , canonicity, cultural identity, the politics of cross-cultural literary images, metatheory, and institutional setting as they affect current practice. This course focuses on comparative methods designed to confront the (mis)understandings and (mis)translations that constitute reading across the world’s languages, locations, cultures, historical periods, and expressive forms.  Classwork consists of hands-on exercises based on a thematical approach that engage ancient and modern myths and materials drawn from various media. Teachers will choose different topics each semester and will provide students with reading lists of texts originally written in English, or texts from different languages translated into English, as well as texts in Arabic.

Course objectives:

  • To provide an insight into World Literature
  • To address the role of literature in this age of globalization
  • To relate literature to issues of multilingualism, multiculturalism, as well as the role of translation versus the original text
  • To improve reading skills of critical and theoretical texts; and
  • To improve oral and written argumentation skills.


Topics in Literature B

(4 credit hours)


Course description:

This course continues the work of Topics in Literature A as it explores more advanced topics in literature. Content will vary, with possible focus on a single author, group of authors, period of literature or literary theme. The outline of topics is, naturally, contingent on course content. Methods of instruction include lecture, discussion, collaborative work, student presentations, and other assignments which foster critical analysis of the subject matter.  Each lecture will develop into a research community as students work together in small and large groups to increase their verbal discussion skills, as well as their reading and writing skills.


Course objectives:

Students will learn how to analyze works studied and convey their understanding through oral and written assignments. Upon successful completion of this course, students will gain:

  • A comprehensive and well-founded knowledge of a given topic
  • The ability to collect, analyse and organise information and ideas and to convey those ideas clearly and fluently, in both written and spoken forms.
  • The ability to interact effectively with others in order to work towards a common outcome.
  • The ability to work and learn independently.
  • The ability to apply critical reasoning to issues through independent thought and informed judgement.

The course encourages:

  • critical judgement (through deep reading of literary texts, literary analysis, library research, and scholarly writing practices)
  • ethical and social understanding (through the consideration and discussion of debates about the cultural and social role of literature, and the analysis and composition of literary writing)
  • effective communication skills (through class discussion, essay writing, and group work tasks
  • independence and creativity (through the study of creative and critical writing principles and practices)
  • reading pleasure

Language Testing

 (3 Credit Hours)


Course objectives:

The aim of this course is to provide the students with basic information about testing English as a foreign language. By the end of the course students should be able to understand how to construct and evaluate and mark a   language test.


  • What is a language Test?
  • Reasons and types of test. Placement, Achievement, Diagnostic and Proficiency.
  • Planning & Designing the test:
  • Qualities of a good test.
  • Test Specifications.
  • Placement Tests.
  • Teaching and Testing cycles.
  • Achievement tests.
  • Testing language components (grammar , vocabulary ).
  • Testing Reading &Listening.
  • Testing Speaking & Writing.





Assignments is based on a range of tests and assignment such as formal written examination, oral, presentation, essays, and projects work.






 يعتبر بكالوريوس في الأدب هو إعداد ممتاز لعدد من المهنية المسارات (على سبيل المثال في مجال تعليم اللغة سواء في الابتدائي و التعليم الثانوي أو في المؤسسات الخاصة الأخرى من التعليم العالي ، والصحافة، وفرص العمل والإداريين في الجامعات أو الشركات، علم المكتبات)، فضلا عن مرحلة ما بعد الدراسات العليا. علاوة على ذلك ، تمنح شهادة في الأدب الطلاب العديد من المهارات ذات القيمة العالية في سوق العمل اليوم: مهارات الاتصال الشفوي والكتابي ، ومهارات التفكير النقدي / حل المشكلات ، ومهارات البحث ، والمهارات التنظيمية.  كما تؤكد ممارساتنا التربوية على تشجيع العمل الجماعي وتنمية مهارات التعامل مع الآخرين. لدى الطلاب المتحصلين على شهادة في الأدب  العديد من الفرص في مجالات الاتصالات، والأعمال التجارية، وظائف الخدمة ، خدمة الدبلوماسية، والعلاقات العامة.

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